Careers at ServiceHero

Are you looking for the new chapter in your career path? Do you want to be challenged and supported, work in a motivated team, have fun with your tasks, and actively shape the future of our company? Then you’re in the right place!

Who We Are and What We Do

We want to help individuals who are facing a problem and don’t know what to do. We want to help businesses operate safely and diligently. In the event of an emergency at home, we want to be the first point of contact – by working with the best professionals for the issue and sending them out to fix it. That's why, born out of a collaboration between the Boston Consulting Group and WISAG, we've created a digital platform that enables just that. We connect service providers with customers across Germany and ensure fair, transparent, and fast access to professional experts. Pest control is just the beginning.

Our Values


We believe in transparency at all levels—both, in what we communicate and decide within our company and what we communicate to the outside world.


Without fairness, there can be no happy employees and thus no long-term success. That is why fairness is a top priority for us: in our dealings with and among our employees, applicants, partners, and customers.


There is a lot of power in a professional appearance and action. For us, this means treating our customers, partners, and employees with respect, keeping our promises, and practicing transparency and fairness.


Speed is essential for our success. This includes solving our customers' problems quickly, as well as making quick decisions in our day-to-day business.

What Distinguishes Us

As a young start-up, we operate in an environment that is constantly changing. We still have a lot to do to achieve our goals. We can't do that without committed and motivated employees. Our values guide us, but there are several other points that are important to us and shape our culture:


We don't believe in micromanagement, and we don't believe that interns sole purpose is to fetch coffee. With us, you'll be given tasks and projects that you're independently responsible for from day 1—no matter what your role is.

Room for ideas

We believe all employees have valuable ideas, and we want to hear them all. This is the only way we can find the best answers and solutions to keep growing. Even “bad” ideas can provide great food for thought.


We don't believe that you should integrate your private life into your work life. Rather, work must fit into everyday life, and that's exactly what we want to enable all employees to do.


We believe in equal opportunities and the value of every single person, regardless of origin, sexual orientation, religion, age or other characteristics, choices and attitudes. We also firmly believe in the added value that comes from great diversity, and want to give all employees the space to express their individuality, ideas, and opinions.

Flat hierarchies

We don't believe in barriers of job titles and cumbersome protocols. We are still small and there are few hierarchies. But even these are flat. Opinions and decisions can be challenged at any time.

Are You Ready for Your Next Challenge?

Grow every day

Take responsibility

Shape our future

Enjoy your work


Professional and Personal Development

We want to guide and motivate you to always keep on growing. That's why we have an individual development plan that you’ll create together with your supervisor. In addition, there are knowledge sharing sessions and a budget for your further development to help you achieve your goals.

Growth Environment

We want all employees to reach their full potential. We offer an environment with responsibility from day 1, a steep learning curve, mentoring from colleagues and other opportunities for your professional development.

Flexible Working Hours and Locations

You want to go to Greece for a couple of weeks, have a doctor's appointment in the morning, or are on the train for the afternoon? Don’t worry! What counts is that you work successfully on your projects—when and where is a secondary concern. The most important thing is that you coordinate with your team and communicate transparently.

Team and Company Events

Team spirit and a sense of belonging can be difficult if you're not on site with everyone all the time. That's why we strive to create alternative options, facilitate team events, and regularly bring all employees together in one place.

Vacation Days

If you work hard, you also need some rest and time to relax. That's why all our employees have 30 vacation days per year.

Get to Know Your Team Lead


Vera is our CEO and is also responsible for our HR and partnership management. Before working strategically in the digital space, largely in the US, she spent the first half of her career primarily in operations and project management roles. At ServiceHero, she brings together all her previous experience. In her free time, Vera likes to travel and in a second life, she would like to try her hand as an author.


Oliver is our Chief Growth Officer and leads our marketing, product, and engineering team. Starting out as a developer, he got to experience first-hand how technology changed the world. With this foundation and a soft spot for numbers and data, his career evolved through project and product management to executive roles. Now he is using all this experience to drive the development of ServiceHero. Outside of work, Oliver enjoys spending time in the mountains or walking around Berlin, listening to podcasts.

Our Hiring Process

Initial Interview with a Member of our HR Department

In a short interview, you’ll be able to gain first insights and can see if our company and the role match your expectations.


Professional Interview with Your Future Supervisor

Here, you can learn more about your tasks and the responsibilities of your role, and wow us with your expertise and experience.

 Meet the Team

In a casual conversation, you will get to know at least one member of your future team, which gives you the chance to ask questions about the team and their work-life.


Final Interview with Another Person from the Management Team

In this final step, you get to know another person from our leadership team, learn more about our strategy and ask open questions.

The number of steps you go through, as well as their order, may differ slightly depending on the role you’ve applied for—the basic structure, however, remains the same. You’ll get the chance to talk to all relevant people and have the opportunity to get to know your future colleagues. Depending on the role, we will send you a case study after a successful initial interview. You’ll have time to work on it until your next interview, during which you’ll present the results to your future supervisor.

We also make every effort to give you feedback as quickly as possible. As a rule, you can expect word from us within a week of each step. If you have any questions in the meantime, you can always contact us.

Any Questions? Contact us!

Odelia Yeshaya
People & Culture Business Partner
Email: [email protected]